Shabbos and Yom Tov Programme
Shabbos and Yomim Tovim are a special opportunity for growth in many areas in seminary.

The Shabbos meals are filled with an incredible warm atmosphere and are a great springboard for both spiritual and social growth. The zemiros are hearthwarming which makes each talmida feel the kedusha of shabbos in their heart. Every week a few girls gain confidence through giving a short dvar Torah or story over to the whole seminary. Occasionally Rabbonim and their families join the students for their Friday night seuda which makes it much more special.
Yom Tov
Rosh Hashana, Chanukah, Purim and Shavuos all take place in seminary.
It’s a special oppertunity for the talmidos to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of these Yomim Tovim. Before and during the Yom Tov shiurim are given to enhance them. Girls take part enthusiastically in the preparations for Yom Tov which gives them a sense of responsability and satisfaction.
Rabbonim join the seminary for most Yom Tov meals which gives the girls a feeling that they are cared for.